


All checkouts or computer use in the 媒体与游戏实验室 (MGL) require Lindenwood 身份验证.

软件优先级: We encourage use of our computer lab for all your projects. 优先级, 然而, will be given to students who need access to our specialized software and hardware.  

Audio Visual (AV) Room Reservations: We have an AV room in Archives and an AV booth in the MGL. AV reservations are 1 hour long by default. Additional time can be added up to 3 additional hours. The AV Edit Room may be scheduled a maximum of 4 hours per day by an individual student, 职员或教员. Multiple appointments may require further approval from our Digital Librarian. Book the AV equipment using our 预定一间自习室 页面或联系方式 克里斯Smentkowski

Appointments will be approved and prioritized based on projects requiring the AV Edit room's specialized equipment. 

著作权法: It is the policy of the 媒体与游戏实验室 to abide by the United States copyright law and regulations. 服务 will be refused to those students who make requests which conflict with current copyright law.

签出 & 虚拟现实使用: Video games and board/card games check out for three days to one week, with no renewals. The Meta Quest 2 headsets checkout for 3 hours. 优先级 for headsets will be given to faculty and students requiring them for coursework. If you need a Quest 2 headset for long term use or for developer mode, schedule an appointment with 克里斯Smentkowski. New to VR and need to complete an assignment? 安排与 克里斯Smentkowski. Please fill out our technology agreement form in Circulation 服务 before checking out library supported Chromebooks, 笔记本电脑, and other devices such as haptics suits and gaming controllers. 

个人游戏账户: We have generic logins available for our gaming consoles. However, adding personal accounts to our Xbox, Play Station, and Switch consoles is encouraged. 还记得, 然而, that doing so comes with a risk, so be careful with purchased content on your accounts. 出于安全考虑, our generic accounts do not allow additional digital content or in-game purchases. Changing defaults to any of our equipment is prohibited. Do not delete any user account unless it is your own. 请联系 克里斯Smentkowski if you are experiencing issues. 

Saved Games and Games Settings: Please ask a librarian or staff member before overwriting saved games. Respect other users, and only play saved games that are your own. Saved games and gaming accounts may be deleted and cleaned every semester by full-time library staff.

更新在线: When applicable, to renew items on-line, log into your library account. Use your name as your username and your Lindenwood I.D. number plus the campus code (LU) as your password.

技术问题: If you experience any technical problems with the equipment, please alert a full-time library staff member to assist you. Do not attempt to rearrange cords and consoles yourself or change user accounts.

小心搬运设备: Please handle games and equipment with respect, refraining from button-mashing, dropping/tossing controllers, or intentionally engaging in behavior that may damage the games or equipment. 也, please handle game disks and movie disks only at the edges, and do not disturb consoles that are in use in order to prevent scratching discs as they are being played. The library reserves the right to charge patrons directly responsible for damaging our materials with replacement fees.

Food, Drink, and Other Belongings:  Drinks are permitted in a securely-sealed container. Please take all trash and belongings with you when leaving the 媒体与游戏实验室. Any belongings left in the 媒体与游戏实验室 will be placed in the Lost & Found at the Circulation Desk located on the main floor of the LARC. 

Use the 媒体与游戏实验室 Courteously: Please be courteous to others while using the 媒体与游戏实验室. Refrain from excessive profanity and noise levels, disturbing other users while they are playing, or trying to rush someone into vacating a gaming station before his or her time limit is up. Users who demonstrate repeated problem behavior will be asked to leave.

特殊事件: The 游戏实验室 may be reserved, 全部地或部分地, by student groups for occasions such as tournaments or social events at our discretion. They are usually limited to 3 hours per reservation and may be reserved up to once per semester by emailing us at csmentkowski@sabai55.net.

For additional information, visit our 澳门威尼斯人平台官网图书馆政策