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Integrated School Library Media and Technology Graduate Certificate

Integrated School Library Media and Technology Graduate Certificate

College of Education and 人类服务 NAVIGATION

Graduate Certificate offered in Online formats.

The school library is often considered the center of the academic universe. No longer a place of silent reading and study, today's school library is a vibrant, 协作环境. A modern media specialist is the gatekeeper to a literal world of knowledge in various forms, 有形的和数字的.

澳门威尼斯人平台官网 Integrated School Library Media and Technology Graduate Certificate focuses on both the daily administration of a successful library program and the big picture of the future-ready library standards. Each course is specifically designed to deliver relevant, meaningful learning experiences that culminate in a well-prepared library candidate who is ready to lead from the library in any school.

The 18-hour (three semester) Integrated School Library Media and Technology Graduate Certificate is available fully online and as a standalone certificate or as an emphasis in the MAE program. The certificate includes the four core library courses and two additional classes to provide a solid and dynamic foundation of skills and knowledge for future school librarians.

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