
奖 & 判断信息

奖 & 判断信息


At the Student Academic Showcase, presentations will be judged based on their type of presentation. 奖s will be given out based on the highest rated presentations in the 奖项类别 (detailed below). 具体地说, the projects will be grouped by Original Research Projects, 创意项目, 勘探项目, 建议项目, and Civic Engagement Projects.


  1. Top Original Research Project: This award is given to the presenter(s) who has conducted original research that includes data collection, 分析, and implications for the field of study. The highest scoring poster and the highest scoring oral presentation in this category will be awarded.
  2. 最佳创意项目: This award is given to the presenter(s) who demonstrates creativity in the form of visual art, 物理表达式, 文学创新, and/or aural composition. The highest scoring poster and the highest scoring oral presentation in this category will be awarded.
  3. Top Exploratory Project: This award is given to the presenter(s) who provides an in-depth exploration of a topic with attention to effective 分析 and/or synthesis of information. The highest scoring poster and the highest scoring oral presentation in this category will be awarded.
  4. 顶级提案项目: This award is given to the presenter(s) who has suggested research or another innovative project in the form of a proposal that considers the previous body of literature, proposes how the project will build on existing content and what value the project will bring to the field.
  5. Top Civic Engagement Project: This award is given to the presenter(s) who has implemented a project focused on connection with and/or service to the campus and/or the community at large. The highest scoring poster and the highest scoring oral presentation in this category will be awarded.
  6. α气’s 人’s Choice: Based upon the votes of attendees, the overall top presentation will receive this award. One poster or oral presentation will be awarded.

*If a category does not have multiple presentation modalities, the top two presentations in a single modality will be awarded.


For faculty or staff volunteering to judge at the Showcase, please complete the 法官义工表格.