




These standing policies are in effect for all classes at 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 for the 2023-24 academic year.


澳门威尼斯人平台官网 students belong to an educational community invested in the exploration and advancement of knowledge. 学术诚信是这种投资的关键部分:所有学生都有公平的成功机会, 因此, 所有的学生都欠他们的同学, 教练, 管理员, 他们自己也有责任做不受抄袭影响的学术和创造性工作, 不诚实, 作弊, 或其他侵犯学术诚信的行为. 反过来, 教练, 工作人员, and 管理员 will also uphold these policies in order to promote student intellectual development and preserve the integrity of a Lindenwood degree.

作为这个教育社区的一部分, students are expected to familiarize themselves with the university’s policies on Academic Honesty in the 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 Student Handbook and to adhere to these policies at all times. 学生 are also encouraged to consult the resources of the university library and the 写作中心 for assistance in upholding the university honesty policy.


  • 作弊是在考试、作业或其他评分工作中给予或接受未经授权的帮助. 不管援助来自哪里.g.手机、小抄或其他学生——这就构成了学术不诚实.
  • 说谎/欺骗指的是不诚实的话, 行动, or omissions directed at university personnel by a student in order to improve the academic or financial standing of any student at the university.
  • 抄袭是指将他人的想法或作品欺骗性地作为自己的作品呈现, 或者将学生自己以前的作品作为新的原创作品进行展示.
  • 当一个学生, 不管是偶然还是故意的, 在需要原创作品的学术作业中,没有适当地注明出处, 那个学生正在窃取别人的想法和努力.

当一个学生, 不管是偶然还是故意的, 在需要原创作品的学术作业中,没有适当地注明出处, 那个学生正在窃取别人的想法和努力.

全部或部分在课外完成的作业, 教师保留就作品采访学生以核实作者身份的权利. A student who is unable to demonstrate a basic understanding of the submitted work will be reported for academic 不诚实 and an appropriate penalty will be applied.


The penalty for the first reported offense of academic 不诚实 will be determined by the instructor and may result in a reduced or failing grade on the work/test, 课程不及格, 或者其他适当的处罚. 第一次被举报不诚实, 学生还需要完成在线学术诚信教程. 辅导课的费用将应用到学生的财务处账户. 本科生, 第二次犯规将导致该课程不及格, 第三次违犯将被学校开除. 研究生在第二次违规后将被开除.

有关这项政策的任何问题都应直接向助理教务长提出, 谁维护学术不诚实报告的机密记录. These records are accessible only to limited personnel in the Provost's office and are not linked to the student’s academic or financial records at the university. 2023年秋季开始, 确保遵守NCAA的政策, 涉及NCAA运动员的学术诚信案件的信息(只包括学生姓名), 体育运动, charge and brief summary) will be shared with the Assistant Athletic Director for Academic Success and Development.


In order to receive accommodations students need to follow the appropriate process established by the Student 支持 and Accessibility Program. 学生需要联系学生支持和无障碍项目经理, 珍妮特•欧文斯, 电话:(636)949-4768或电子邮件:jowens1@sabai55.net. 接下来,学生将被要求提供适当的诊断文件. 项目经理和学生将根据文件讨论适当的住宿. 一旦住宿确定,项目经理将向教师发送通知表格. 然后,学生和教授将讨论如何安排住宿. 这些记录与学生在大学的学术或财务记录无关.


学生作业被定义为作业, 家庭作业, 以及在教学时间之外完成的其他学术活动, 包括阅读, 研究, 写作, 研究等. 学生 should expect to spend a minimum of two hours per week completing this work for each credit hour enrolled (thus 6 hours of work outside of class for a 3-hour course), 尽管课外时间可能会根据课程的主题和水平而增加.


All students at 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 are expected to attend all classes and all class activities for which they have enrolled. 学生 who miss class are expected to inform the instructor and to make up the work to the instructor’s satisfaction. 有时, 缺课可能是不可避免的——比如长期生病的情况, 住院治疗, 强制性的宗教习俗, 或参加经批准的学生活动. 请参阅 大学出勤政策 欲知更多资料.


在课堂教学和测试中, 相机的使用, video, 录音设备, 或任何其他电子设备(包括电话), 平板电脑, 谷歌眼镜, and Bluetooth devices) by students is allowed only after obtaining permission from the instructor; otherwise, 禁止使用此类设备.

Electronic devices used for prosthetic or accessibility purposes may only be used after the faculty member has received a signed accommodation letter from the Accessibility Officer. Any recordings made may not be redistributed to anyone not a member of the class without the express written permission of the instructor and all student subjects of the recording.


It is the intent of 澳门威尼斯人平台官网 that all members of the university community comply with the provisions of the United States Copyright Law. This Copyright policy serves to uphold the university’s commitment to protecting the principles of intellectual property, as well as to protect the rights of its faculty to make appropriate use of copyrighted works for acceptable educational purposes. 这项政策适用于所有大学教员, 工作人员, 以及希望使用受版权保护作品的学生, 是否印刷, 电子, 或者其他形式. Implicit in this policy is the “Fair Use Act” which applies across the board to uses in the traditional classroom environment and the TEACH Act which is an exception to the “Fair Use Act” for distance learning.

学生不得将受版权保护的材料以实物或电子形式分发给他人. 这包括幻灯片、讲义、播客等.


Course syllabi are subject to change if the instructor deems it necessary in order to accomplish the course objectives. 课程大纲的所有实质性变化将以书面形式通知学生.


Using a webcam or camera on a mobile device to record and submit video content within the secure Canvas Learning Management System is a condition of enrollment in all online, 混合动力, 以及澳门威尼斯人平台官网的远程学习课程. Instructors may also ask students enrolled in online or 混合动力 courses to record and post video content in a class discussion board or participate in a recorded class video conference. 学生 with a reasonable need or hardship that prevents or prohibits them from any of these video requirements may appeal, 以书面形式, 给他们的导师, 谁将向学生和学术支持办公室提交审查和解决申诉.


Lindenwood takes academic integrity very seriously; therefore, compliance with student authentication requirements is a condition of enrollment in all online and 混合动力 courses. 根据高等教育机会法(公法110-315), student authentication is defined as “processes to establish that the student who registers for a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the program and receives the academic credit.学生认证的方法融入到特定的课程中,可以在课程大纲中找到. 示例包括但不限于现场或视频监控, 身份验证技术, 视频作业, 视频会议, 以及大量的写作作业. 促进认证措施, 任何在线或混合课程的所有学生都必须随时可以访问移动设备上的网络摄像头或摄像头. 注册在线或混合课程的学生还必须有当前照片, 以有效的身份证明形式确认, 在澳门威尼斯人平台官网的学生信息系统里. 学生 who refuse to complete initial authentication requirements by the end of the add period or who reject or refuse to complete the Ethics Agreement will be dropped from the course. 学生 who refuse to complete subsequent authentication requirements will be withdrawn from and charged for the course and subject to other financial consequences if the change moves them from full-time to part-time status. 认证费用在注册之前通过课程安排中的费用披露.